Purchase suggestions

Your purchase suggestions
Summary Suggested on Note Suggested for Managed by Status

- Purogamana Sahithya Sangham - Book

06/07/2019 Suggested for: Mappila Heritage Library Managed by: Mr Anwar Swadique - 29/08/2019 Status: Requested


12/01/2020 Suggested for: Mappila Heritage Library Managed by: Mr Anwar Swadique - 23/04/2021 Status: Accepted by the library

Dr. K.M. Bahaudhin, - 1989, - SPCS (Kottayam) - Book

07/04/2021 Suggested for: Mappila Heritage Library Managed by: Mr Anwar Swadique - 23/04/2021 Status: Accepted by the library

Asghar Ali Engineer , - 1996, - Ajantha Publications - Book

07/04/2021 Suggested for: Mappila Heritage Library Status: Requested

MGS, - 1972, - Kerala Historical Society - Book

07/04/2021 Suggested for: Mappila Heritage Library Managed by: Mr Anwar Swadique - 30/10/2021 Status: Accepted by the library

Syed Mohideen shah, - 1972, - Book

07/04/2021 Note: Department of Arabic Stack (954.83) ARA002812 Suggested for: Mappila Heritage Library Status: Requested